A Computer Simulation Program of Transactive Memory Systems

ORGMEM is a multi-agent simulation program that imitates the interpersonal communication, information processing, and decision-making processes in organizations. As a computing program built from scratch, it incorporates several advanced techniques from a diversity of fields. First of all, it takes a network perspective. In ORGMEM, groups are represented as six relational matrixes by applying the PCANSS model (Krackhardt & Carley, 1998). As a result, not only crucial elements like personnel, resources, and tasks are taken into account, but also the interrelations among those key elements. Secondly, groups are modeled as multi-agent systems. The heterogeneity among agents makes the program a more realistic and attractive model. Thirdly, ORGMEM is implemented using JAVA - an object-oriented programming language. The object-oriented language (a.k.a. OOL) technique facilitates the modeling, programming, modification, and maintenance processes, thus increases the reliability and flexibility of the system.

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