Peter Landwehr
Email: plandweh[AT]cs.cmu.edu
Homepage: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~plandweh/
CMU Affiliation: CASOS
Advisor: Kathleen M Carley
Office: Wean Hall 5119
Phone: 412-268-4682
Email: plandweh[AT]cs.cmu.edu
Homepage: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~plandweh/
CMU Affiliation: CASOS
Advisor: Kathleen M Carley
Office: Wean Hall 5119
Phone: 412-268-4682
Research: I am currently working on two research projects. The first of these is a study of the social networks in the computer game EVE Online (http://www.eve-online.org), and is geared towards discovering how these mimic real-world, extra game relationships. My other topic is the AppExchange at Salesforce.com, and how it functions as a market in comparison to the development forum for Eclipse plugins.
Carley, Kathleen M & Malik, Momin & Kowalchuck, Michael & Pfeffer, Juergen & Landwehr, Peter. (2015). Twitter Usage in Indonesia. Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research, Technical Report CMU-ISR-15-109, 54. [pdf]
Landwehr, Peter & Carley, Kathleen M . (2014). Social Media in Disaster Relief. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for Big Data: Methodologies, Challenge and Opportunities, 1, 225-257. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. [DOI]
Landwehr, Peter. (2013). A Collection of Economic and Social Data from Glitch, a Massively Multiplayer Online Game. Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research, Technical Report, CMU-ISR-13-100, [pdf]
Landwehr, Peter & Spraragen, Marc & Ranganathan, Balakrishnan & Carley, Kathleen M & Zyda, Michael. (2013). Games, Social Simulations, and Data-Integration for Policy Decisions: The SUDAN Game. Simulation & Gaming, 44, 151-77. [DOI] [pdf]
Carley, Kathleen M & Columbus, Dave & Landwehr, Peter. (2013). AutoMap User's Guide 2013. Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research, Technical Report, CMU-ISR-13-105, [pdf]
Spraragen, Marc & Zyda, Michael & Ranganathan, Balakrishnan & Landwehr, Peter & Carley, Kathleen M & Chang, Yu-Han & Maheswaran, Rajiv. (2013). Cosmopolis: A Massively Multiplayer Online Game for Social and Behavioral Research. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, [pdf]
Spraragen, Marc & Landwehr, Peter & Ranganathan, Balakrishnan & Zyda, Michael & Carley, Kathleen M & Chang, Yu-Han & Maheswaran, Rajiv. (2012). Social and Behavioral Modeling in an Online Multiplayer Game. In the proceedings of Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) 2012, July 23-25, 2012, San Francisco, California.,
Zyda, Michael & Spraragen, Marc & Ranganathan, Balakrishnan & Arnason, Bjarni & Landwehr, Peter. (2010). Designing a Massively Multiplayer Online Game / Research Testbed Featuring AI-Driven NPC Communities. AAIDE 2010, Stanford, California: AAAI, 2010., [pdf]
Landwehr, Peter & Spraragen, Marc & Ranganathan, Balakrishnan & Zyda, Michael & Carley, Kathleen M & Hong, Jason. (2010). Planning a Cosmopolis: Key Features of an MMOG for Social Science Research. CHI 2010 Workshop: Video Games As Research Instrucments, Atlanta, Georgia: ACM, 2010.,
Landwehr, Peter & Diesner, Jana & Carley, Kathleen M . (2009). The Words of Warcraft: Relational Text Analysis of Quests in an MMORPG. Proceedings of the 2010 DiGRA Conference, Brunel University, England., [link]
- Massively Multiplayer Online Games - Cosmopolis - Team Member
- MMOG - Glitch -
- ORA-LITE - Team Member
Carley, Kathleen M & Malik, Momin & Kowalchuck, Michael & Pfeffer, Juergen & Landwehr, Peter. (2015). Twitter Usage in Indonesia. Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research, Technical Report CMU-ISR-15-109, 54. [pdf]
Landwehr, Peter & Carley, Kathleen M . (2014). Social Media in Disaster Relief. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for Big Data: Methodologies, Challenge and Opportunities, 1, 225-257. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. [DOI]
Landwehr, Peter. (2013). A Collection of Economic and Social Data from Glitch, a Massively Multiplayer Online Game. Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research, Technical Report, CMU-ISR-13-100, [pdf]
Landwehr, Peter & Spraragen, Marc & Ranganathan, Balakrishnan & Carley, Kathleen M & Zyda, Michael. (2013). Games, Social Simulations, and Data-Integration for Policy Decisions: The SUDAN Game. Simulation & Gaming, 44, 151-77. [DOI] [pdf]
Carley, Kathleen M & Columbus, Dave & Landwehr, Peter. (2013). AutoMap User's Guide 2013. Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research, Technical Report, CMU-ISR-13-105, [pdf]
Spraragen, Marc & Zyda, Michael & Ranganathan, Balakrishnan & Landwehr, Peter & Carley, Kathleen M & Chang, Yu-Han & Maheswaran, Rajiv. (2013). Cosmopolis: A Massively Multiplayer Online Game for Social and Behavioral Research. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, [pdf]
Spraragen, Marc & Landwehr, Peter & Ranganathan, Balakrishnan & Zyda, Michael & Carley, Kathleen M & Chang, Yu-Han & Maheswaran, Rajiv. (2012). Social and Behavioral Modeling in an Online Multiplayer Game. In the proceedings of Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) 2012, July 23-25, 2012, San Francisco, California.,
Zyda, Michael & Spraragen, Marc & Ranganathan, Balakrishnan & Arnason, Bjarni & Landwehr, Peter. (2010). Designing a Massively Multiplayer Online Game / Research Testbed Featuring AI-Driven NPC Communities. AAIDE 2010, Stanford, California: AAAI, 2010., [pdf]
Landwehr, Peter & Spraragen, Marc & Ranganathan, Balakrishnan & Zyda, Michael & Carley, Kathleen M & Hong, Jason. (2010). Planning a Cosmopolis: Key Features of an MMOG for Social Science Research. CHI 2010 Workshop: Video Games As Research Instrucments, Atlanta, Georgia: ACM, 2010.,
Landwehr, Peter & Diesner, Jana & Carley, Kathleen M . (2009). The Words of Warcraft: Relational Text Analysis of Quests in an MMORPG. Proceedings of the 2010 DiGRA Conference, Brunel University, England., [link]