Advanced Decision Architectures
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The ADA-CTA (Advanced Decision Architectures Collaborative Technology Alliance) project is a collaborative effort among government, industry, and academic researchers who seek to ensure better and faster warfighter decisions based on displayed information. Four research areas comprise the effort: Cognitive Process Modeling and Metrics, Team Communication and Collaboration, Context-Sensitive Information Presentation, and Fusion and Intelligent Architectures. CASOS contributions address the Team Communication and Collaboration area. Our research seeks to identify human and organizational strengths and vulnerabilities in C3I structures that enable or inhibit dynamic decision making. Our research objectives are to: (1) enhance the ability of the Soldier and the commander to rapidly evaluate and visualize new HUMINT or open source data within the context of existing information; (2) improve our theoretical and applied understanding of how changes in the human terrain are manifesting themselves in terms of alterations to DIME/PMESII related activities and resources; (3) improve guidance to the war fighter as to the meaning of the detected change in adversarial activity, and (4) enable more flexible open source coding activities, modeling and analysis activities to meet critical DOD needs.